Friday, July 3, 2009

Business is soooo sloooooowww....

I think I'm going to die of boredom here at work today! I've had about 25 customers, and that's all! None of them have bought anything other than credits either...which is truly pathetic.

That's one thing about holiday weekends in this business. Everyone gets family oriented and my business pretty much stops. I guess that's a good thing in a way, because it's makes me realize that people aren't forgetting the truly important things in life.

"Pick on Mike Day" is morphing into "Pick on Mike Week." Today my car decided to get in on the act. I thought that we finally had the darned thing figured out--why it was overheating and causing me so much grief. It ran really great for a month after we invested a little money on the minor repairs it needed...or so we thought. Today it decided it wasn't going to cooperate at all anymore and left me stranded in Ankeny, forcing me to call my boss to tell her I was going to be late...and I hate that. Luckily she was VERY understanding and even came to pick me up and give me a ride into work. Tonight after work I will have to find a way back to Ankeny to get the car and hopefully I can nurse it back to Des Moines. Then I have no clue how to proceed because the thieving bastards at Wells Fargo stole all of my money for the holiday weekend. I hate Wells Fargo...and I'll most likely be closing my account after what I have out clears. I'd really like to find a bank with a heart, but I doubt that one of those truly exists. I'll settle for one that has lower overdraft fees and lower ATM fees though--heh! It frustrates me to have to close the account though, as I've had it for over ten years...since even before they were a Wells Fargo bank, back when they treated their customers with a little class and human decency rather than like a computerized machine. Oh well.

I wish my son would call. It would be really great to hear from him. With all of these mega superstar people dying these past few weeks it makes one ponder his/her mortality and the people and things that we will leave behind. I want to make sure that he knows that I love him, just in case anything ever happens to me and I don't get the chance to talk to him right before. I'm not anticipating anything, but who knows? I could step outside just in time for a wayward Mack truck to slam into the building right where I'm standing. That would suck.

Okay, I guess that's enough for today. Have a happy 4th of July if I don't get the chance to talk to anyone again.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dang...what did I do to the world??

What in the hell is going on today?? This has to be an official "Pick on Mike day" or something like that??

Without going into too much detail, as I now realize that this blog is attached to Facebook, I'd like to say this....


There...I feel a little better...but not a lot.
