Friday, August 21, 2009

A New, Potentially Demonic, Case

Last night I got a call from the leader of our hunting group, and he like NEVER calls me. So, I obviously knew from the moment that I saw he number on my caller ID that it was going to be a doozy of a call.

This case takes place just outside of town, and from what I've been told it may possibly contain elements of demonic possession. Apparently one of the homeowners has gone into a trance like state two times in the past month, each of which being caused by some type of emotional upheaval. One of the episodes included her eyes changing colors, and another one was precipitated with a feeling of bugs or flies crawling all over her and another member in the household. In yet another episode, another of the family members almost had physical injury done to him when his hand was gripped by the other so hard that he felt his bones were going to break. He claims that the strength was almost inhumanly strong.

There are rumours about this area of town having been a haven for satanists during the sixties and seventies, but I don't know if that bears any creedence or not as they are just wat I stated--rumours. However, one of the younger members of the household claims that he sees people in the garage and describes them as having horns on their heads. Verrrrry creepy.

I'm not mentally ready to take on a demonic case I don't think, but I guess I'm going to have to get ready to. The last one really gave me a taste of reality that I didn't want to even know about, and I wasn't at all prepared for, even though I really thought I was. It still haunts me in my mind to know that something like that is even out there, preying on fear the way it is. And wow...I really gave that one a serious dose of good eatin'.

I'm going to pray that this one isn't like that, and that it's just creepy things happening that SEEM demonic but really aren't. I cannot do an exorcism, as I think I need to be much stronger before I even consider it. I will try to gather that strength though, just in case, as I can't even begin to imagine the feelings of the poor people who are actually living with this thing.

That's all for now!


For some reason, I just can't seem to talk to people in the way I want to, and I'm starting to think that I may need to take some kind of communication class or something. People don't know how to take me sometimes. For example...

Today I asked one of my employees if he would mind coming in an hour later tomorrow and working for an extra hour...still the same amount of hours as he would total, and he basically told me that it WAS going to be a problem. Of course I was frustrated because I have things to do on Sat Morning, but I decided to step outside and smoke while I thought about the situation. Apparently he took what I was doing totally wrong, because he stormed out the door while I was in mid-thought, muttering under his breath, and obviously VERY pissed off at me. I tried to get him to stop and come back to talk to me, but he would not do it.

I think he thought that I was throwing a tantrum or something when I really wasn't, but rather I was trying to think of a way to make everyone happy. Since that time, I've come up with something that would have worked...sigh...and he's nowhere to be found. I could call him, but I want to give him enough space.

I hate it that this has happened though. I HATE being misunderstood, and I need to find a way to prevent it from happening as much as it does.