Thursday, March 14, 2013

Bringing Entities Home.

I don't know why I've decided to share this.  Many of you who will read it will decide that I'm some sort of nutcase, or a freak.  I guess it's to get it off of my mind and to perhaps get some feedback on what actually happened that lead me to the situation.  Perhaps its just because I want to tell a ghost story of my own.  Whatever the reason, there is a lesson to be learned in the story.  I'm telling you only MY part of the story here.  There are many other people involved in this though, each person with their own version and/or experiences to tell.

Before we left Iowa and after the split up of Diepart, the paranormal group that I had been a part of for many many years, Dana and I had the opportunity to investigate a small ranch outside of Carbon, Iowa.  The woman lived there alone.  She had moved there originally with her two children, and all three of them complained of activity in the house.  She had called us because of a bunch of strange happenings that resulted in the death of several of her animals.  Due to legal reasons I am unable to discuss the actual investigation, however, what happened to me at my own home after the investigation is MY story and I will discuss that here.

Having been what I call an "Armchair" demonologist, myself and another demonologist decided to try to do something that we knew probably wouldn't work.  We decided to attempt to exorcise the house where this woman lived.  We used verses from the Bible that are most generally used in exorcism's of human beings.  For at least two hours we prayed and commanded the entity in this home to leave.  At the end of the session, the house seemed lighter.  Little did I know what was to happen next.

I remember it being a very long drive home, and I remember being more exhausted than I usually am after an investigation.  Of course, this wasn't just a simple investigation, but a sort of attempt at a cleansing, which was new to me.  Because of that, I didn't worry about the severity of the exhaustion, or the quiet sense of anxiety that had settled over myself.  That night when I went to bed I had a startling dream.  It was a dream of the scariest face that I'd ever seen in my life, and it shocked me awake.  I began to wonder at that time what could have caused this, and if I had been followed home.  Correction:  I suddenly KNEW that I had been followed home.  The face has faded in my mind now after so much time having past, but I still remember the fear that it put in me, and how the face originally lingered in my mind for weeks and weeks after the dream.

I began to feel as though I were being watched all the time.  Out of the corners of my eye I would catch things moving.  I would see what I thought were spiders, or bugs climbing up the walls nearly all the time.  Everything that could go wrong in my life went wrong.  Problems started at work.  Hell, my dog even came down with a case heartworms.

All the time this was happening I would continue to have dreams at night, horrible, graphic, and intense.  I had dreams of standing at the bottom of a well full of blood and human body parts, picking up entrails and stuffing them into my mouth, as if eating them.  I screamed in rage and fury as I did this, not in disgust, as I would have if it had really been happening to me.  It was as if I were a different person living in some sort of unimagined hell.  I had dreams like this for weeks and months that would start out as really pleasant experiences and would turn into the most horrible of night terrors.  It came to a point where I was afraid to go to sleep at night.  One day I decided to start keeping a dream journal, and I still have it, somewhere.  I had decided that if I was going to be haunted at night, I was going to keep a log of these dreams and turn them around into a creative start writing stories and novels about the horrors that I had been witnessing.  After having made that decision, the dreams ceased significantly, almost as if my subconscious had decided that it wasn't going to have any part of me becoming a successful author!

I did tell people what was happening to me.  I asked people to pray for me. It was embarrassing, and difficult to do, but it didn't matter how many folks I asked for help.  All that they would do is shake their heads and look at me like I had lost my mind.

The dreams continued off and on until we finally decided to make the move down here to Texas.  Even the last night in the house I remember having a dream.  Then, one day while we were driving down south, in my minds eye I saw something waving goodbye to me.  I knew that whatever had been going on, that it was over, and ever since that time I've been able to sleep fitfully at night.  Once in a while I get a nightmare, but it seems more normal...induced by indigestion, or something else.

Now you are asking:  What was the point?  What was the lesson in all of this?

Well, it's pretty simple.  Remember to say your prayers when you do this kind of work... these "paranormal investigations".  There are things out there, have no doubt, and you can attract them to yourself by your words and actions.  If you forget to take precautions, you could wind up bringing something home with you.  I was lucky that I didn't have children.  If we hadn't been careful, I could have even lost my dog.  I used to tell people that I loved nightmares.  I loved the excitement and the adrenaline rush of waking up from something that scared the hell out of me.  I don't do that anymore.

Be careful out there.


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