Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It's been a month now, and no word from my Mother...

I know that this is going to sound crazy, but I'm feeling a little weird right now because my Mom, who passed away on May 17th, has not been in touch with me since her death.

She knew I was a ghost hunter for almost a decade, and I had asked her that if there were any way possible to do so, that if she could try to contact me after she passed away, if she would do so.  At the time, she told me she would.  Whether or not she remembered that at the time of her passing, I do not know.

This isn't the first time that this has happened to me though.  When my significant other, Alan, passed away in 2006, I had asked him to do the same.  One night about six months after his death, I had a dream in which he came to me and told me that he was at peace, and that everything was alright.  The dream disturbed me so much because I could tell that he truly WAS at peace.  It seemed that nothing phased him.   Alan had always been a fiery and fiesty individual with a fervent zest for life.  That wasn't the person that came to see me in that dream though.  That person was so very calm, collected, and full of love that it just didn't seem right, even though I knew it was.  I still harbour so much guilt about his death and the things that lead up to it though that I have a hard time believing that my Alan would be that calm about it!

Still, since my injury in 2006 and my subsequent growing dependency on pain killers, I feel I may have lost some of my sensitivity to these kinds of things.  I still watch, hopeful, but nonetheless see very little these days.

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