Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Look out Zelda Rubenstein!

With a little luck, Tangina Roberts will have NOTHING on the Diepart X-Team as they prepare to investigate and clean a house in Bussey, IA.

Investigating has never been a problem for members of the "X-Team," but this is the first time that they will attempt to do a full cleaning on a house. The Diepart investigative group has reviewed this house and investigated it, deeming it to be frought with potential paranormal activity. It is the "X-Team's" Job to go in and try to clean the house using any means necessary.

I think that for our first cleaning, we will most likely be doing a standard Christian house blessing. If that doesn't work, well...I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Usually a good Christian blessing does the job quite well.

Coming soon we have a cleaning on a house the previously served as home to more than 100 indian artifacts. These poor folks have been living in "hellish" circumstances for quite a while now. I'm not quite sure how we are going to proceed with this one! I've been spending some time searching out Indian Legends and whatnot, trying to find some sort of blessing that would appease indian spirits. This hasn't been particularly fruitful though. If anyone knows of any exceptional reference on this subject, please speak up! I'm all ears.

Today it's freezing cold outside, and I can't seem to wake up. I hate waking up in the morning. I think that the law should allow all people to sleep to their hearts content, and then go to work regardless of what their companies business hours usually are. I think that people would be much more productive if they could sleep in until they wake up naturally--their bodies having gotten all the required sleep to make them happy and clear headed. Right now, I'm walking around like a zombie. I'm sitting at this keyboard every so often too, and when I do, I'm usually on the brink of gettting "qwert" imprinted on my forehead. Thank god I have a customer come in every once in a while to wake me up for a few minutes, or I'd be passed out on the floor most likely.

We are trying to get the store decorated for Christmas here, and I must say we aren't doing very well. We have some good ideas, but they are all time consuming, and time isn't a luxury that we have right now. We are wrapping up old vhs cases with foil and making them look like giant toffee's, and using paper plates to create peppermints. It should be pretty cool by the time that we are done, but this is a big space, and I can't see us getting done anytime soon. We really need to put our noses to the grindstone if we are going to pull this one out of our assses.

Thats it for now. Have a great day everyone.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mike's bad hair day

Mike's bad hair day
Mike's bad hair day,
originally uploaded by blondmyk.
I figured that since I'm new here and all, I ought to post a photo of myself. This is probably one of the worst ones I have--figured that I'd get all the nasty comments out of the way right off the bat! Laugh it up...it's My Bad Hair Day!

Hilary Clinton's Campaign Woo's Me to Near Insanity


It's kind of a neat thing to be in Iowa at caucus time. It's a thrill being first at something in the country. Most of the time people think of Iowa and they think something negative, something like "I wonder where they keep the State Tooth?" (bad joke courtesy of R. Smith--Denver, CO) but that doesn't happen at caucus time.

We are the first to meet the political candidates. They begin wooing us loooong before they really need to, and it continues for darned near two full years. As Iowans, we endure unending political commercials long before the rest of the nation starts to get them, and we continue to have them until the presidential election occurs, which is still darned near another full year away. It's frustrating, but it's still an exciting environment, being in the center of all the controversy between the candidates and the masses of news crews that follow them around.

I made the mistake of signing up as a Hillary supporter this past August at the Iowa State Fair. When I signed up, I just figured that I was showing my support for a candidate running for president...not a big deal. I really had no clue what I was getting in to. It's really been an interesting phone adventure!

I've gotten phone calls to participate in the campaign. I've gotten 4 phone calls making sure that I was going to Caucus for Hillary. I've gotten phone calls to seal envelopes. I've gotten phone calls to host private parties in support of Hillary in my own home. I've gotten phone calls reminding me to talk to my neighbors about Hillary. I've gotten phone calls to attend approximately 10 functions where Hillary would be present and/or speaking. The only phone call that I haven't gotten is the one to put a sign supporting her in my front yard! That's probably a good thing too, as I don't like those little blasted signs, and I wouldn't put one up anyway.

All I can say about this is..."Wow--how cool is that? They really want me to participate in the political process!" Unfortunately, I'm REALLY not the kind of person that Hillary wants involved in her campaign. I'm a middle aged man who suffers from severe back problems almost to the point of collecting disability. I run an "Adult" bookstore and clothing boutique, and my support will really do nothing to further the Hillary Clinton campaign and could, in fact, hurt it in the long run.

Perhaps I give myself too much credit. I do wonder how my singular personage could have an effect on any individual candidates campaign sometimes, but I know that it only takes one single mistake to blow a campaign. I remember being here when Howard Dean did his "I have a scream" speech. I was a Dean supporter at the time, and all it took was that one moment to kill his campaign and pretty much crush the dreams of one of the youngest political followings in US History. It only took that ONE moment to blow it all. I fear that if I were to hook up with the Hillary campaign, it would only take one time--one picture of her with me, and her chances at the presidency would be shot. It would only take one single headline or news story (or even a cartoon caption!) about a porn kingpin supporting the Clinton Cause. Of course, that is ludicrous and an absolute extreme, but it's a serious possibility here in Iowa at this time, and I won't be that person that hurts her chances that way.

I like the experience that Hillary Clinton brings to the table at this Caucus. I think that she will make a fine President of the United States. Many of my friends don't agree with me. They see her as greedy, manipulative, and as a model of the typical Washington Bureaucrat. They don't trust her. Well, maybe they are right, but my thoughts are this: Who better to run the greedy, manipulative, Bureaucratic government than someone who has those above listed skills? I want someone in there who knows what they are doing in that mess, someone who knows how to play that game and win...and I think Hillary is the perfect choice.

On topic for this blog:

I have a couple of cases coming up through Diepart in the next two weeks where our clients are requesting cleanings of their houses. I've never done this before, so it should be very interesting. Jesus Christ gave us all the authority to cast out demons and evil spirits in his own name, so I imagine that is what the group is going to attempt to try. I'll keep everyone posted.


New Blog, New Spot, New Attempt at Something Good.

Hi everyone, and welcome to my new blog. I've got several Blogs all over the internet that I really need to close down, as if this works out, I'll be moving here permanently. To be honest, I'd kinda gotten out of blogging since my life changed this past year. I can't really say that I miss it, but I think it's an important thing in my life--to have a journal of some kind. It's good to have a running history of things that happen in one's life. I go back and read my old journals sometimes, and find myself becoming terribly depressed. I hate that! I don't want to write a depressing blog about my life, but one that contains all the good things that happen!

So, without further ado, I get started on this new blogging adventure full of the good and happy things that will be happening in my life from this day forward!