Monday, March 30, 2009

Gun Control--what is truly politically correct?

I am stupified, stumped and stymied.  If you know me, that's quite a pickle to call myself in, as I usually have a very strong opinion about everything under the sun!  But the subject of gun control has me totally baffled, as both sides of the situation have excellent points, and I agree with both sides.

For years now I've pondered the idea of getting a gun.  With the world heading in the direction it is with terrorists invading our precious Motherland, it becomes more and more obvious that we have to face the inevitible probability of an attack on our own soil.  If this does happen, I just don't think that it's very wise to be a guy sitting around without having a means of protecting myself against the hordes of Jihadists slinging semi automatic and automatic rifles, screaming about what an infidel I am as they rob me of all my cash and valuables, eventually ending my life after collecting it all up--and this all due to a misunderstood hatred built up over years of non-communication.

Our founding fathers had the common sense to write in the bill of rights that we had the right to bear arms.  Perhaps they were thinking of a future where the country's military was too spread out to defend our own homeland, and each American having a rifle or gun of some type would allow our country to create home-town militia's to defend against invasions into our homeland.  People like Uncle Bob and Aunt Jolene would be the one to greet the handful of Afghani Jihadists as they entered the town, blowing them into little bits before the enemies of the state could even set up shop, thus allowing the military to concentrate on the larger battles abroad.

And then there is the other side of the coin, where only criminals will have guns if guns are outlawed.  There have been some pretty serious gun crimes in the country as of late, and it certainly IS enough to make one wonder about the safety of handguns.  So much has happened that we are in FEAR of the guns nowadays, and it seems that more and more unqualified people are winding up with them in their possession.  Even Children are finding Mommy and Daddies Guns and taking them to school or the playground!  What do we do?  The only sensible solution is to take them away from everyone--isn't it?

Gun crime in this country is huge now.  I understand both sides of the problem.  The question is, what is the wise thing to do?

Anyone have any suggestions?  To buy or not to buy a gun....that is the question?

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