Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Attempting to quit Smoking again, but with Chantix.

Monday morning I started taking the stop smoking drug "Chantix". That was three days ago, and finally today I started noticing things that make me wonder just where this drug is taking me. I have to say, it's not necessarily a good thing either. I'm smoking cigarettes, like I'm supposed to be doing for the first week, but today I started noticing that they are NOT satisfying me in the least. The very minute I put one out, I'm wanting another one. So what do I do? I smoke another one, and find that I'm wanting yet another... and so on, and so on.

Not good. My big complaint about the nicotine patch was that when I started using it I was only smoking a pack and a half a day, and when I came off of it I was smoking two and a half packs. I can't have something like that happening again!

I'm going to search around on the web and see if I can find a group of people using Chantix that have formed a sort of support group and try to join up with them. I keep hearing about people having success with Chantix AND support, so there must be something out there somewhere. Maybe I should try to do hypnosis too? This time I definitely want to make it a success.

I'll keep you all posted.


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