Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So much to do and no time to do it in...

The title says it all. I have waaaay to much to do, and no time to get it done in. I'm trying to get the house packed and get ready to move to Corpus Christi, but I'm overwhelmed and it's taking me way longer to do it than it should be.

I think that the big problem is that I really have forgotten how to move long distance. We need to have a sale, but having a sale in the dead of winter is a really big problem! It's going to have to be well advertised, and it's going to have to be indoors. My house is a nightmare! I'm nowhere ready to have a sale! The things I need to sell too, like a refrigerator, and a freezer, and a couple of dressers are all items that I need to continue using for the time being too...especially the fridge. How does one sell things that they are going to continue to need until they leave?? See what I mean? I've totally forgotten how to do it!

The money issues are really starting to make me cave too. I'm going to need a truck, and I only want to rent it for the shortest amount of time that I can. The size truck that we need is the biggest one, and it's going to cost $1200 to use it for a week and return it down in Corpus. That's a butt load of money in my book. Not to mention we are going to need deposit money, and first and last months rent possibly to get an apartment. All of that is stress, and the stress is really getting to me.

I'm open to advice, opinions, and any good ideas. "You should just stay" is not an option, so don't say it. I've already let the house go, so I can't even do that anymore.

Talk to me people!


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