Friday, January 25, 2008

Anatomy of a Betrayal--

This is kind of an off topic post, as I know that someone has been scouring the internet seeking ALL of my email addresses, and has actually found maybe the next time does a search string on me he'll read this. If you aren't actively harrassing me at this moment, please disregard this message.

William, what you did to me was wrong. I don't know if it was your intention to stab me in the back from the moment that you walked in the door here at my place of work or not, but either way, what you did to me and the others that work here was WRONG.

Lets not even mention the things that were done to Mark, that I'm sure by now you've managed to weasel your way out of. Of course I have to pay in cash for that too since the money that I loaned to him to help him get through the effects your betrayal of him is obviously not coming back to me.

You managed to steal at least $50 from the second station, and considering that I can't imagine what else you managed to help yourself to with a five finger discount. I can't even believe that you have the audacity to try to get your final paycheck two months after the fact, and do it threatening to use the labor board. Guess what--the threat is moot. The labor board has already been contacted, so you can just knock that crap off right now.

The thing that bothers me the most is that you are going to scour the internet, get all of my email addresses, and for what? To steal my identity too? If you wanted to talk to me all you had to do is pick up the phone. Instead you are going to be total jerk about the whole thing, sending me email's addressing me as "Mr. Hamilton." as if I were the one who did all this horrible betrayal crap that you just pulled before Christmas--going so far as to even STEAL A TRUCK to satisfy your own sociopathic needs.

William, the problem is yours. Grow up and deal with it.

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