Thursday, January 17, 2008

Can anyone stop the Paparazzi? Good Try Brittany!

You know, I hate to admit it, but I really did like Brittany Spears. In a strange sort of way, I still do. I'm going to rant about her for a while here and pretend that she may actually read this, so if you really don't care about her at all, or are going to hate me for admitting that I like her, then please just move along to the next blog!

I was thrilled to giggles today when I read that Paparazzi following Brittany Spears last night were jailed after demonstrating unsafe driving techniques to the police while attempting to keep up with her last night following an after hours shopping spree in Los Angeles. Hoo-f-in'-ray--someone finally caught these bastards in action, thus proving what lengths that these insane bastards will go to to document this poor girl doing such inane things as picking her nose or taking a dump.

The truth of the matter is, with the way that you folks in the Paparazzi have been acting, I don't think that you want to document Britanny's life so much anymore as you want to document her death...which is most likely going to come to her in a Princess Diana manner due to the constant harrassment that you folks put this poor girl through. Don't you realize that it's way past time to leave Ms. Spears alone for a while and allow her to put her nightmare of a life back together? While it's admirable that you are going to such extreme lengths to keep her name at the top of the Hollywood Celeb list, really....give her a minute or three to breathe. EVERYONE in America pretty much loves this young woman, and we want her to be able to get her head screwed on straight and to finally return to the superstar status that she has so dramatically come crashing down from.

Now, Brittany...I Love ya girl, but you are missing some golden opportunities here. You are embroiled in this nasty, awful divorce/custody thing with K-Fed, and you are experiencing some things that you simply need to disappear into the studio and write about. You need to go to work, cause if you do it will most likely save your life--and I'm not just blowing smoke at you. I remember back to some of the most influential bands of my time when I come to that conclusion. Lets think about Fleetwood Mac, and their "Rumors" album.

During the creation of that, one of the most popular music compilations of all time, nearly all of the members of the group had some sort of inner turmoil brewing. Stevie Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham were going through the first part of what was to continue as a very nasty breakup for a long time to come. John and Christine McVie were also gearing up to split. Only Mick Fleetwood had the brains to keep the group together during this terrible time, and the result is one of the most soul felt musical accomplishments of all time--not to mention one of he best selling albums/CDs of all time.

Lets now take a look at the Madonna and Sean Penn breakup. Now THAT was a nasty one. Madonna took her feelings and emotions into the studio after that breakup, and the resulting music was some of her best accomplishments ever. Then she went a little crazy....but I don't ever remember anyone ever fearing for her physical safety, like they are over you.

To put this whole thing in a nutshell, if you want your life and your kids back, you need to start acting like the superstar that you are, rather than they spoiled teenager that you really didn't get the chance to be until getting out from under your mother's thumb. Get your rebellion out in ways other than the ones that are going to detrimental to you! There's an old saying that goes like this "Living well is the best revenge!" Go out and get that. Work-stay home and away from the paparazzi. Leave Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan to do their thing and screw up their own lives. Take care of yourself, and use your musical and dancing talent to get back on top of the world.

Okay, I'm done. Now, I don't EVER want to hear about this again.

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