Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ghost Hunting again!

Today I am heading to southern Iowa to hopefully see the conclusion of a case that I started with back in February 2008 with one group of paranormal investigators, but am finishing with another group.  I have to admit, I've never seen a case more chaotic and damaging to a client before.  

I can't really say too much here, as I've agreed that I'm little more than a spectator and consultant on this case, but I can say that what I believe we are dealing with is one of two things...either the misunderstood brain power of a new potentially psychic person, or a very pissed off land spirit.  If it is the latter, I don't think that it's alone, but I think that it has gathered a bit of company over the years to give it support from within this clients house.

Tonight our client is going to attempt to take her house back from whatever this is, and that is a GREAT thing.  She's been living in fear for quite a long time now and it's way past time for her to find some happiness in her accomplishments.  She is an accomplished artist, and she has worked very hard for the things she has in life.  This spirit is taking them away from her, one by one, and it's going to be so great for her to finally get control again!  I'm really happy for her!

My big fear on the day is working with this new group, which is comprised partially of people who are ex members of Diepart.  They are afraid that I am going to be there for reasons other than I am wanting to be there for.  I wonder if they think I'm going to try to sabotage them somehow?  That is NOT the intent.  I'm doing this for a few reasons...number one of which is because I feel bad that we were not able to help our client, and I still feel as though I had a few things to offer her.  Number Two on that list is because I wanted to see what working with another team would be like.  They have psychics on their team, and we've never really used them.  They also use conjuring as a method of EVP collection, and I've been really interested in seeing how that works, even though I won't be doing it myself.  I find myself really interested in seeing if these methods do work, as I've avoided them in the past.

Well, we take off here at 11 am, so I need to go start packing and getting ready.

Ciao for now!

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