Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Strange Night

Well, it seems that we've had a bit of luck with our problem spirit out in rural West Iowa.  As of right now it's leaving the lady alone and shes had three good nights of sleep.  It also appears that her luck is changing financially too, as yesterday she was able to purchase two new cows and a pig at a very reasonable price...the first chance that she's had to replenish the livestock that have died on her farm in the past few years.  It's a case that I personally have been working on for a very long time, and I'm glad to see some progress being made.  I'm not totally convinced that she's out of the woods yet, but I have my suspicions that she is.  The reason I suspect she is fine is not good news for me though.  Something may have followed us home from her house.

I know, I know, I sound paranoid, and perhaps I even am.  To be honest it's way too early to tell, but in my opinion it's not ever really to early to be concerned about it.  It's something that is always in the back of my mind anyway, and for some reason I've been particulary concerned with it on this case because what we were dealing with had the potential to be very nasty.  One other thing that seriously made me paranoid about this case is that we got an EVP with my name in it.  The people that got the EVP think that they got two of them with the name "Mike" or "Michael" in them, but I can only discern the name "Michael" in one of them, and it's just a quick whispering of my name.  In the other EVP they claim they hear the voice saying "Miiiiiiikkkkkkeee...." and then rattling off a string of words that are either said in a foreign language or are just gibberish words.

I've done my job with this one though.  I've prayed the necessary prayers after each investigation as we are leaving, and the last one I did in the car so it couldn't hitch a ride with me.  I have no idea how it could have come home with me...although there was an incident that happened with Dana.  At one point in the investigation while I was telling whatever it was in the house that it needed to leave in Christs name, he became very angry with me he claims.  He claims that it really all started at the beginning of the confrontation between the client and spirit where she was to reclaim control of her house.  He claims that he started to get angry then, and by the time that it became my turn to say things that he was absolutely furious, but he didn't know why?  Is it possible that whatever it was got into his head and found out where we live (or something like that?)

Whatever it was, last night was undoubtedly the worst night I've ever spent in my own house.  As I stated, it could have been paranoia, but theres just this little inner voice (the one that's supposed to be there) nagging at me to pay attention to what's going on.  I didn't sleep last night.  That in itself isn't that abnormal, but the reason that I didn't sleep is what's bothering me.  I didn't sleep because I was scared.  I felt like I was being watched, and that sense of dread led me through some pretty nasty dreams where I saw faces--evil, smiling, toothy, ugly faces that seemed to be mocking me.  Perhaps they were?

On the side of paranoia though, Paranormal State, a TV show about ghosts and what not was apparently showing while I did sleep for the first hour of last night, and it was the episode where Ryan encountered a demon that he suspected was Be'lial.  I haven't seen that particular episode, so perhaps there were some sound effects or something that may have effected me in my sleep.  To be honest, I don't know.  This afternoon when I get home from work I plan on watching it with Dee, and we'll see if there is anything in there that rings clear from my dreams last night.  

I do think that I need to be on my guard though.  I'm worried, but I know how to fight if I have to.

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