Monday, October 6, 2008

Iowa Gay Pride Festival

I had an interesting weekend...downtown at the 2008 Iowa Gay Pride Festival.

As you all know, I work for the Minx Showpalace and Love Boutique, and this year we again decided to put up a booth down at the Pride Festival and then also the night before at the Street Party that was held in front of the Blazing Saddle, my once second home when I was able to drink and socialize.

I've been participating in these things for years, originally as just a supporter, but about ten years ago I decided to open a booth and advertise wares from Bachelors Library, the place that I worked at the time.  It was never worth it.  We never made ANY money, but we always had a good time and advertised our goods and got our company name out there.

Last year I decided to put up a booth for my new employer, the Minx.  Again, the same thing.  We didn't make any money (unless you consider $48 money) but we had a good time.  I don't have any idea why I decided to do it one more time this year, but I think I'm glad that I did.

This year I decided to do things just a little bit differently.  I decided to buy "fun" stuff instead of just bringing down our standard wares.  I purchased rainbow feather boas, boas that lit up, glow necklaces, rainbow flower leis, LED lit hats--one that said "Bitch" and one that had the rainbow flag that lit up in colored sequences.  I had a lot of fun stuff, and this year our booth EXPLODED.  We made more money than we did in any of the previous years that I've participated in pride combined!  I FINALLY got something right!

We sold out of the boas in the first two hours, which surprised the heck out of me.  We sold out of the "Bitch" hats next, which somewhat surprised me, but I liked them, so I figured that they would go.  We had a friend of one of our employees there, his name was Frank, and he set the entire place ablaze with our glow necklaces.  I think I bought 200 of them, and we have about 50 left.  It was awesome!  

I think that the big moment of the night came early when Thea Austin, the entertainment for the night (she sang "Rhythm is a Dancer, I got the Power(with "Snap"), and a few other great tunes that I can't remember now but was thrilled to hear) stopped by our tent and purchased a rhinestone bracelet from us.  She wore it on stage while she performed!!!  I wish I could have gotten a photo of her and I, but it didn't happen.  I'm just thrilled to know that we had something to offer that a major star would find interesting.  

It was a LOT of work and I could do so little of it due to my back, but it was a GREAT time.  I hope that my boss appreciates all the hard work that my employees put in for me to get this thing together, because I sure do.  If it weren't for Shannon, I wouldn't have had been able to get things put together easily without her, and if it weren't for Brian, I'd have had a hard time getting things setup on Sunday Morning as well as tearing down on Saturday night.  They were all invaluable to me.  There were other people that weren't employed by me that were invaluable to me as well, such as Brian's Girlfriend Ashley, who pretty much guarded the cashbox for me when I couldn't stay in one place very long due to my back.  She was a godsend.  also, Dana, my sig other was there the whole time and waited on me for anything I needed.  He was a godsend as well.  None of that could have happened without these folks, and I wish to Thank them with my whole heart.  I wish I could do something very special for them, but I have no idea what I could do.  Obviously Money is the thing to do, but lets face it, I don't have any of that of my own...But believe me guys, if I could, I would.  You deserved it.

It was such a great weekend.  I wish EVERYONE in the world could have been there because it was truly a great time.

Bye for now!

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