Thursday, October 9, 2008

Things are worse..much worse...for my back.

I have no idea what's kicked this into happening, but my back is a sheer misery.  At night, I'm sleeping more, but now I wake up in exquisite pain, unable to move, with spasming and an ache thats just unbearable.  I don't know what to do.

I had a new procedure on my back last monday, an epidural nerve block, but something else seems to have happened.  I won't feel the results of the block for about another 7 days, but this procedure was requested nearly two months ago and these problems that I am having now weren't an issue back then, so I don't think that whatever this procedure has done is going to solve the pain that the new problem is creating.

It all just figures, you know.  I just spent all that time on my last post talking about how great my doctor has been and how he's made me feel so much better.  How ironic that I'm sitting here just a few days later complaining about how much pain that I'm in.  I still think he's been a great boon for me, but damn....I don't seen any relief from this new thing going on.

Last night was extreme.  I woke up at 5:30 am with not just the back pain, but cramps in my legs in muscles and tendons that I didn't even know could cramp!  I had cramps in the muscles that run on the OUTSIDE of my knees down to my ankles.  It's like a thin muscle or tendon that I didn't even know existed.  Thank GOD Dana was there and was able to run downstairs and grab my medication, as I don't think I could have made it down the stairs to get them myself.  

To be honest though, I think that last night was a withdrawal problem.  I think that I might have not taken my oxycontin pill, which is the big one that WILL cause problems if I forget it.  This whole thing is just so embarrassing, as I'm an addict to pain drugs.  I'm addicted very very hard too.  I knew that this was going to happen, I just didn't think that withdrawal would be quite THIS horrifyingly painful.  I wonder what's going to happen if I ever get the opportunity to get off of these damned things?  My God...will they have to hospitalize me?

Enough of that and back to my back problem.  I've been doing a lot of work lately, but no more than I should normally be required to do.  I've been observing my restrictions and taking care to not do things that would be considered normal by the standards of normal people, like bending, twisting, sitting too long.  I just don't understand what is happening with it.

When I spoke to Dr Baldi last week, he informed me that the arthritis in both my back and my foot have both gotten pretty bad, and so that is what is most likely causing the increase in pain.  Arthritis eh?  I never in a million years thought that arthritis could be worse than the pain that I already had...I was so wrong if that is the case.

I'm rambling, I know, but I don't know what else to do.  I'll close for now as I have a lack of what else to say.  I just wish I could go on disability.  It's becoming very hard to even do my job these days, and not seeing an end in sight to this pain is just exhausting.  I have no energy.

Bye for now,


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