Friday, October 10, 2008

An interesting photo...paranormal though?

Here is one of the more unusual photo's that were taken a few weeks ago during the "One Sky Ranch" investigation.  There are a lot of out of the ordinary things going on here for a September evening in Western Iowa after a dry spell, but some of the things here could just be bugs.  What are your opinions?  Paranormal stuff or not?

This wasn't the only strange thing that happened on this investigation either.  There were many class A EVP's of note, two of which spoke my name or a variation thereof.  We also captured some sort of unintelligible chant on a recorder during this investigation.  

After the investigation, we did a blessing on the house.  It was an experience that I will not soon forget.  I think that every investigator had a different experience while this was going on, and it didn't stop there.  The team that I was working with had to go back again two days later to fight whatever was there off yet again.  I have to say that of all the investigations that I've ever had the priviledge of working, this one was the second most active.  It was a very exciting evening!

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