Wednesday, December 17, 2008

And the depression sets in...

I don't normally hate the holidays, but this one is truly different.  It sucks.  If everything could have gone wrong, it has, and it turns out that this year, unless I can get in touch with the real reason for the season, I'm doomed to continue in a horrible depression.

I've been trying my hardest to go on disability for the past few months, and so of course finances have been extremely low.  On the 9th, I was 40 dollars short for making my car payment, so I went ahead and took it out of my bank account thinking that I had a little bit of float time to play with.  Apparently I didn't.  The things that I thought had gone through hadn't gone through yet, and I had an amazing chain reaction take place in which 4 items went through at the same time, causing me to overdraw my account $182.    The insipid irony of this is that one of the items was an automatic withdrawal for the Des Moines, Register in the amount of $5.44, and of course there had to be a $35. service charge on that one too....One very expensive newspaper that wasn't even authorized to draw on my account!  It's just strange, how all of the things that weren't expected just began to spiral in...small things that really make no difference in the big picture, but their appearance in the absolute incorrect order took any chance of having a decent Christmas away from me.

This normally wouldn't be a big thing if I was making my full salary, but nowadays it's almost certain death to me.  I can't possibly think of any way of making this kind of money up to the bank and continuing to pay my bills.

There will be no Christmas this year.  The bank took it from me.  I hate Wells Fargo.

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