Monday, August 1, 2011

Holding the Tea Party responsible for the Washington Mess.

I have been patient, and understanding, and as non judgmental as I can be to friends and family who are supportive of the tea party, but today it ends. I cannot believe that you are so blind as to continue to support these crazy ass people that "you the people" have voted into congress. I'm even more shocked that you want more of them.

Because of the tea party, the debt deal will probably not pass through the congress. The result of this not passing is that NOTHING will happen and the US's triple A credit rating is going to go down the tubes. Now, lets get some things straight so that you understand ME.

I think we all agree that something has to be done about the insane spending in Washington. The thing is, we don't have to do something about it RIGHT NOW. We can delay the changes, even make them a priority once this credit crisis has been muddled through. Right now, that HAS to be the goal. If you want, stop everything else coming up on the docket after this and work solely on the budget. What is so hard about that?

I'm mortified with the things that Obama has put on the table as well. Social Security, Disability, military pay should NEVER be compromised. We American's have paid into those programs for all of our lives, and they should NOT be tampered with. I'm hearing that the tea party approves of this, and wants to cut 40% out of our poor and disabled folks' checks. This is NOT acceptable, and I can't believe that tax cuts and loopholes for the rich are going to be afforded on the backs of these poor people. Tea Partiers should be ashamed!!!

I'm so angry that I can't even think straight right now. I need to shut up. Washington needs to do what we pay them to do and quit screwing around with the welfare of the American people. The tea party is wrong...We don't support them anymore.

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