Friday, December 19, 2008

My Christmas Miracles

This year I was finally blessed.  I was having the most horrible Christmastime I've ever had, possibly even including the year that my significant other died, but all of that turned around yesterday via blessings from friends and family.

My bank account got straightened out, Thank God.  Thank you friends for helping me with this and expecting nothing in return for it.  I know that you don't normally do things like that as it's normally within your reach to do so, but it's so nice to know that I have friends out there that care enough to help me when I'm in trouble, and vice versa.  You two are the best!!!

The kicker though...My Son is working!!!  YEAH!!!  He's had such a rough time this past two months, and he didn't have a job, and was working his way slowly back toward jail.  I was so worried and scared, and at the last minute, last friday, he got a job at Subway in Phoenix.  I've never been so happy for someone to get a fast food job in my entire life!!!

Also, last night, I received my Christmas package from my folks, and for some reason this year it seems so magnificent.  I'm not sure why?  I've been so afraid that it's my Mom's last Christmas, and maybe that's whats doing it--the knowledge that it's from her and from her heart....and I'm crying as I write this so I need to stop. 

These things, no matter how small they may seem to some, have been weighing on my concience like a TON of bricks.  When they lifted off of me last night, my life seemed to become almost enjoyable again, as if there were a chance that I COULD still have a Joyous Christmas, even though I've personally got no money and everyones stuff will most likely be late.

You know what though?  It's alright!  It's Christmas, and Christmas is just FULL of miracles and goodness.  The miracles have been coming for me, and if you just believe, I know that they will come for you too!  Just don't give up hope!!

A Christmas Memory...

I was listening to the radio a few minutes ago (which I have turned to Christmas Music), and the song that was playing was "Silver Bells" by Bing Crosby.  After a bit, a neat old memory came to mind that I'd like to share from when I was a child.

When I was a wee boy, not but five or six-years-old, I had a grandmother who had an old trailer with the neatest old stuff in it.  In fact, I think it may have been my Great Grandmothers house, Dulcie Morrow/Cason.  I'm not sure of the spelling of any of that though, so don't quote it.  Anyway, one of the things I can credit Great Grandma doing was introducing me to my second musical instrument, the air organ.

In the Old Days (by which I mean the 40's and 50's..LOL) there were these little keyboard organs that were made that chorded and made notes by air being blown through the organ and changing tones when keys were pressed.  This was the type of organ that it was, and you can still find these ocassionally in thrift stores or at auctions where they sell for a buck or two.  Anyway, I digress...

I took to this organ like a duck to water.  I remember sitting there with her books, which rather than notes on a sheet of music had numbers.  These numbers corresponded directly with numbers that were printed on the keys.  It was kind of "Learn to play the organ by numbers" LOL!  But I was pretty good at it.  The first song I learned was "Silver Bells", and to this day I still remember the numbers I would press on that keyboard to play that song.  In fact, I'm ocassionally find myself stuck singing the numbers rather than the song itself...apologies to Bing.  Now isn't that silly???

So...  For your enjoyment:

8 6 5 3   8 6 5 3   10 9 8 6 6 6   9 8 7  6 5 4 4+  4 4 3
8 6 5 3   8 6 5 3   10 9 8 6 6 6   9 8 7 6 5 4 4+ 4 3

3 4 5     6 7 8     7 7 8 9   8 6 8 5
3 4 5     6 7 8     7 7 8 9 8 6 8

Oh yeah....the sharp keys were noted by + signs or minus signs.

I miss you great Grandma....  Wherever you are, I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas!


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Why is it that things ALWAYS go worse before they get better?

Does anyone know?  Why is it that things have to go so very very wrong when they go wrong?  Why can't things just go a little wrong?  Why does everything have to completely crash and burn around me before it gets better????  What the frick did I do??  

All I wanted to do was make my damned car payment!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

And the depression sets in...

I don't normally hate the holidays, but this one is truly different.  It sucks.  If everything could have gone wrong, it has, and it turns out that this year, unless I can get in touch with the real reason for the season, I'm doomed to continue in a horrible depression.

I've been trying my hardest to go on disability for the past few months, and so of course finances have been extremely low.  On the 9th, I was 40 dollars short for making my car payment, so I went ahead and took it out of my bank account thinking that I had a little bit of float time to play with.  Apparently I didn't.  The things that I thought had gone through hadn't gone through yet, and I had an amazing chain reaction take place in which 4 items went through at the same time, causing me to overdraw my account $182.    The insipid irony of this is that one of the items was an automatic withdrawal for the Des Moines, Register in the amount of $5.44, and of course there had to be a $35. service charge on that one too....One very expensive newspaper that wasn't even authorized to draw on my account!  It's just strange, how all of the things that weren't expected just began to spiral in...small things that really make no difference in the big picture, but their appearance in the absolute incorrect order took any chance of having a decent Christmas away from me.

This normally wouldn't be a big thing if I was making my full salary, but nowadays it's almost certain death to me.  I can't possibly think of any way of making this kind of money up to the bank and continuing to pay my bills.

There will be no Christmas this year.  The bank took it from me.  I hate Wells Fargo.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

November wasn't a total loss!

Hey all!  I won the Nanowrimo Challenge!!!!!  I wrote 50,000 words toward a novel!  Unfortunately the novel is only about one-third done, but it's a good start on one.  Once December and the Christmas madness is over, I will take January and start writing on it and editing it, and with a little luck I'll go ahead and publish it.  Right now it's not very good, so I'm not even going to put an excerpt up for your perusal.  

Things are really rough right now otherwise.  I've been having a LOT of financial trouble since I've dropped down to part time.  I did that just because of the pain, which has been a bit overbearing lately...especially for the past three months.  I've been all over my Doctors about this, and they've come up with a few new things for me...things that scare the hell out of me.

Yesterday I started the Fentanyl patch--100 mg.  It is supposed to take the place of the Oxycontin.  I'll be honest and admit to being surprised at how well it's done as far as satisfying my dependence on the Oxycontin.  I figured that if I went off of the Oxycontin altogether after being on it for more than a year that I'd be climbing the walls needing it.  I guess the Fentanyl is pretty strong if it's good enough to cover that craving.  It's either that, or I'm just so saturated with the Oxy that I've not had the opportunity to withdraw yet, which I find highly unlikely.

If you have read up on Fentanyl, you'll see that there are about a million lawsuits regarding the patch right now.  First off, before you  all worry, please be aware that these are for the 25 and 50 mg patch, and those are from a completely different manufacturer than the one that I get mine from.  If you are worrying about the side effects, am I.  Please be aware that I am watching them with all of my paranoidness, which is quite considerable.

The next step is to consider a transdermal system that provides electric shocks to deaden the nerves in my back.  This SOUNDS fairly safe, but I don't know how I feel about being opened up again, even if it is just a minor opening to hide a battery pack.  The doctor's compare this to a pacemaker, and I guess that there are a lot of folks who have those, and I probably shouldn't worry about it.  If it will help me though, I really should consider it.  Right now, I'll stick with the Fentanyl patches though, at least long enough to give them a fair shake.

Christmas...Ugh.  Well folks this year Christmas is all BUT cancelled.  I can't even afford to put up a tree this year.  The only thing that I've been able to do is bake, and I'm doing the best I can with that.  So far I have Chocolate Chipper cookies, Fantasy Bars (yep, they live up to their name) and finally I have some "Electric Snowballs" to distribute to those who like the alcoholic candy.  I've still got Cherry Bars, Pumpkin Bread, and I have some candy melts to make a few chocolate covered Cherries with, but not a lot of time to make those.  I'll try my best though.  The rest of the time I'm going to have to beat my head to try to make ends meet.

Take care everyone, and have a great season!  Email me if you have time!


Saturday, October 25, 2008


Well, here I go again!  November is National Novel Writing Month and there is a site on the web that brings writers all together to get the most out of it all.  

Last year I decided to take the year off, having a new job and all, but since my back and leg are giving me such a hard time this year I've decided to drop down to part time at work.  I've also decided that I'm going to fill my spare time up attempting to write another novel.  

I wish that I could just finish my old novel that I started back in 2006, but I've read and reread the rules and regs and they just won't allow it to happen.  I started a novel called "The Demon Hunter Diaries" when I last competed, but I only made it to 25,000 words.  The rules state that you must write a minimum of 50,000 words to win the event.  I can't remember exactly what happened last time, other than me being side tracked because I had no job and no prospect of paying the mortgage!  I'll probably be having the same problem again soon, but hey...such is life.  I have to take care of myself too...and it's not like I have NO income at all.

The event has a badge that participants get to put on their websites, but since I don't actually have a website, I put it up at the top of this page.

If you fancy yourself a writer, you ought to give it a try!

Ciao for now!  

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Going Crazy!

I don't think I've ever been as busy as I have been in the past week, but I don't feel as though I've gotten a darned thing accomplished.  My major project for the month is birthdays (I've got them on 17th, 19th, and 23rd) and I've had NO luck finding anything that I can actually afford for the people that I'm buying for.  I've even attempted to do something simple, like drawing a picture for one of the people (I can draw) and frame it for her like an art print, but I can't seem to even get that going.  I start, and nothing happens.  Im just so very very pathetic!  LOL!

Today I have finally made a decision.  I am going to file for disability because I am getting much worse.  I've learned for sure that my foot is linked to the injury in my back, and it wasn't like that before, so it must be from the arthritis that came from my limping around for the past two years.  How do I know that it's my back that's causing this rather than my diabetes?  Well, it's easy.  All I have to do is look down at the floor and I'll get screaming pains shooting around my ankle and half of my foot!  How stupid is that?  It's bad enough that I can't bend without causing pain in my back, but now I can't look down???  WTF!!

I've made an appt to see my Family Doctor on the 27th of this month to discuss the possibilities with him, and I also have a meeting with my pain Doctor's associate sometime in the next two weeks (I have to figure that one out...when is it?)  and with a little luck I will be able to get statements from one, if not both of them, declaring my situation.  I know that I will have to go see a doc of their choosing as well, but I should be able to get through that.   You know, I feel like such a wimp doing this, but things are really starting to get bad.  Even the pain meds are screwing with me now when they didn't used to.  I'm falling asleep during my shifts at work while I'm on the computer.  That is a very bad thing.  My back up manager has even caught me a couple of times.  It's embarrassing, to say the very least.

So, wish me luck.  It's going to be a hard road, and I won't be able to work at all while I wait to receive disability.  There are those that will say that it's going to take me two to three years to get it.  God I hope not, especially for the sake of my house.  If D doesn't get a job soon, then I'm most certainly going to lose it all.

I'm outta here for now.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Anyone out there have a roomie?  If so, I've got a question for you. 

How did you solve the TV problem?  I have a roommate who has the exact opposite taste in television shows that I do, and I'm really in quite the quandry as to what to do.  He's a huge reality show fan, and I can't stand reality shows.  The real problem is, he seems to wait until I come home from work to watch TV, and therefore he's watching things that I can't stand during the only time that I have to watch, other than when I'm in bed at night.  He's been home all day long.  I'd like to know why he has to wait to watch TV until I am home?  I've seen the TV guide, and he can watch the usual drivel that he watches when I'm not at home....9 hours of it a day.

Does your roommate do this type of thing?  Do you think that he does it to annoy you, or do you think it's all innocent when it happens to you?  I've tried being nice, I've tried being rude.  I don't know what else to do.  I'm open to suggestions.


What to do about work?

I'm the kinda guy that really hates to let people down.  I think that's the reason that I haven't gone and done something already that I need to do.  I need to file for disability, but I don't want to let my boss at work down by quitting.

Things with my back have become really painful, and the only times that they aren't painful are when I'm so drugged up that I cannot even think.  I knew it was going to be rough working here because of my back situation, but I didn't expect it to get worse over time.  I really believe that working is causing the problem too.  Now, on top of the back thing, I have this new thing going on in my right foot that is making it difficult to walk as well.  It's a pain that runs down my leg, around my ankle, and then finishes with my heel, causing such pain that I don't even want to stand on it anymore.  I asked my doctor if this could be related to my diabetes, but he couldn't be sure.  He said that it was most likely related to my back issues.  I hope not.

I wish that there was someone that could tell me what to do, as I have no idea how to proceed.  I know that if I continue working that it's only going to get worse, but I so want to keep doing a good job for my bosses.  I would really miss this place I think.  

This is so frustrating...sigh...

Friday, October 10, 2008

An interesting photo...paranormal though?

Here is one of the more unusual photo's that were taken a few weeks ago during the "One Sky Ranch" investigation.  There are a lot of out of the ordinary things going on here for a September evening in Western Iowa after a dry spell, but some of the things here could just be bugs.  What are your opinions?  Paranormal stuff or not?

This wasn't the only strange thing that happened on this investigation either.  There were many class A EVP's of note, two of which spoke my name or a variation thereof.  We also captured some sort of unintelligible chant on a recorder during this investigation.  

After the investigation, we did a blessing on the house.  It was an experience that I will not soon forget.  I think that every investigator had a different experience while this was going on, and it didn't stop there.  The team that I was working with had to go back again two days later to fight whatever was there off yet again.  I have to say that of all the investigations that I've ever had the priviledge of working, this one was the second most active.  It was a very exciting evening!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Things are worse..much worse...for my back.

I have no idea what's kicked this into happening, but my back is a sheer misery.  At night, I'm sleeping more, but now I wake up in exquisite pain, unable to move, with spasming and an ache thats just unbearable.  I don't know what to do.

I had a new procedure on my back last monday, an epidural nerve block, but something else seems to have happened.  I won't feel the results of the block for about another 7 days, but this procedure was requested nearly two months ago and these problems that I am having now weren't an issue back then, so I don't think that whatever this procedure has done is going to solve the pain that the new problem is creating.

It all just figures, you know.  I just spent all that time on my last post talking about how great my doctor has been and how he's made me feel so much better.  How ironic that I'm sitting here just a few days later complaining about how much pain that I'm in.  I still think he's been a great boon for me, but damn....I don't seen any relief from this new thing going on.

Last night was extreme.  I woke up at 5:30 am with not just the back pain, but cramps in my legs in muscles and tendons that I didn't even know could cramp!  I had cramps in the muscles that run on the OUTSIDE of my knees down to my ankles.  It's like a thin muscle or tendon that I didn't even know existed.  Thank GOD Dana was there and was able to run downstairs and grab my medication, as I don't think I could have made it down the stairs to get them myself.  

To be honest though, I think that last night was a withdrawal problem.  I think that I might have not taken my oxycontin pill, which is the big one that WILL cause problems if I forget it.  This whole thing is just so embarrassing, as I'm an addict to pain drugs.  I'm addicted very very hard too.  I knew that this was going to happen, I just didn't think that withdrawal would be quite THIS horrifyingly painful.  I wonder what's going to happen if I ever get the opportunity to get off of these damned things?  My God...will they have to hospitalize me?

Enough of that and back to my back problem.  I've been doing a lot of work lately, but no more than I should normally be required to do.  I've been observing my restrictions and taking care to not do things that would be considered normal by the standards of normal people, like bending, twisting, sitting too long.  I just don't understand what is happening with it.

When I spoke to Dr Baldi last week, he informed me that the arthritis in both my back and my foot have both gotten pretty bad, and so that is what is most likely causing the increase in pain.  Arthritis eh?  I never in a million years thought that arthritis could be worse than the pain that I already had...I was so wrong if that is the case.

I'm rambling, I know, but I don't know what else to do.  I'll close for now as I have a lack of what else to say.  I just wish I could go on disability.  It's becoming very hard to even do my job these days, and not seeing an end in sight to this pain is just exhausting.  I have no energy.

Bye for now,


Monday, October 6, 2008

Another Back Procedure.

Today I had another back procedure.  This time, Dr Baldi killed off another nerve in my back.

He's such a great Doctor for me, and I have no idea what I would do without him.  If it weren't for him, I can picture myself in a wheelchair right now.  Because of him and his innovative nerve treatments on me, I've been able to continue walking, to work at least part time, and I've been able to live my life in considerably less pain for the past two years.  God Bless you Doc!

Today's procedure went as can be expected when you have someone insert a needle into your spine.  Thank the Lord for anesthesia, of course.  I was a bit angry at the Anesthesiologist today though, as he was telling me how things were going to progress.  It happened like this...

"Well Michael, here's what we are going to do today.  First we are going to put this pulse-oxygen sensor on your fingers.  Then we will put this blood pressure cuff on your arm and take your blood pressure--then after we get your blood pressure we are going to give you a little something to take you to happyland..."

And then I said "Ok--what is that burning sensation?  Oh aren't you the...."  I never got to finish my sentence.  I wanted to say "sneaky one." but I never got the chance.  I woke up almost two hours later.  I love anesthesia!  LOL!

It still troubles me that you don't have dreams while under anesthesia though.  It's like missing time.  I often wonder if that is what death is like, as there is absolutely nothing but peaceful nothingness.  I fear it, and I love it at the same time.

Overall though, I'm okay.  I've been dopey today, but I came through good.  Only time will tell if the shot does any good.  For some reason, the procedure doesn't start to show any results for a week or so after it's done, so I'll let you all know later how it's going...

By the way..."Happy Belated Birthday Richie!"  Sorry I missed it, but it was a hella weekend.  I hope yours was a great as mine was!

Outta here for now!

Iowa Gay Pride Festival

I had an interesting weekend...downtown at the 2008 Iowa Gay Pride Festival.

As you all know, I work for the Minx Showpalace and Love Boutique, and this year we again decided to put up a booth down at the Pride Festival and then also the night before at the Street Party that was held in front of the Blazing Saddle, my once second home when I was able to drink and socialize.

I've been participating in these things for years, originally as just a supporter, but about ten years ago I decided to open a booth and advertise wares from Bachelors Library, the place that I worked at the time.  It was never worth it.  We never made ANY money, but we always had a good time and advertised our goods and got our company name out there.

Last year I decided to put up a booth for my new employer, the Minx.  Again, the same thing.  We didn't make any money (unless you consider $48 money) but we had a good time.  I don't have any idea why I decided to do it one more time this year, but I think I'm glad that I did.

This year I decided to do things just a little bit differently.  I decided to buy "fun" stuff instead of just bringing down our standard wares.  I purchased rainbow feather boas, boas that lit up, glow necklaces, rainbow flower leis, LED lit hats--one that said "Bitch" and one that had the rainbow flag that lit up in colored sequences.  I had a lot of fun stuff, and this year our booth EXPLODED.  We made more money than we did in any of the previous years that I've participated in pride combined!  I FINALLY got something right!

We sold out of the boas in the first two hours, which surprised the heck out of me.  We sold out of the "Bitch" hats next, which somewhat surprised me, but I liked them, so I figured that they would go.  We had a friend of one of our employees there, his name was Frank, and he set the entire place ablaze with our glow necklaces.  I think I bought 200 of them, and we have about 50 left.  It was awesome!  

I think that the big moment of the night came early when Thea Austin, the entertainment for the night (she sang "Rhythm is a Dancer, I got the Power(with "Snap"), and a few other great tunes that I can't remember now but was thrilled to hear) stopped by our tent and purchased a rhinestone bracelet from us.  She wore it on stage while she performed!!!  I wish I could have gotten a photo of her and I, but it didn't happen.  I'm just thrilled to know that we had something to offer that a major star would find interesting.  

It was a LOT of work and I could do so little of it due to my back, but it was a GREAT time.  I hope that my boss appreciates all the hard work that my employees put in for me to get this thing together, because I sure do.  If it weren't for Shannon, I wouldn't have had been able to get things put together easily without her, and if it weren't for Brian, I'd have had a hard time getting things setup on Sunday Morning as well as tearing down on Saturday night.  They were all invaluable to me.  There were other people that weren't employed by me that were invaluable to me as well, such as Brian's Girlfriend Ashley, who pretty much guarded the cashbox for me when I couldn't stay in one place very long due to my back.  She was a godsend.  also, Dana, my sig other was there the whole time and waited on me for anything I needed.  He was a godsend as well.  None of that could have happened without these folks, and I wish to Thank them with my whole heart.  I wish I could do something very special for them, but I have no idea what I could do.  Obviously Money is the thing to do, but lets face it, I don't have any of that of my own...But believe me guys, if I could, I would.  You deserved it.

It was such a great weekend.  I wish EVERYONE in the world could have been there because it was truly a great time.

Bye for now!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Strange Night

Well, it seems that we've had a bit of luck with our problem spirit out in rural West Iowa.  As of right now it's leaving the lady alone and shes had three good nights of sleep.  It also appears that her luck is changing financially too, as yesterday she was able to purchase two new cows and a pig at a very reasonable price...the first chance that she's had to replenish the livestock that have died on her farm in the past few years.  It's a case that I personally have been working on for a very long time, and I'm glad to see some progress being made.  I'm not totally convinced that she's out of the woods yet, but I have my suspicions that she is.  The reason I suspect she is fine is not good news for me though.  Something may have followed us home from her house.

I know, I know, I sound paranoid, and perhaps I even am.  To be honest it's way too early to tell, but in my opinion it's not ever really to early to be concerned about it.  It's something that is always in the back of my mind anyway, and for some reason I've been particulary concerned with it on this case because what we were dealing with had the potential to be very nasty.  One other thing that seriously made me paranoid about this case is that we got an EVP with my name in it.  The people that got the EVP think that they got two of them with the name "Mike" or "Michael" in them, but I can only discern the name "Michael" in one of them, and it's just a quick whispering of my name.  In the other EVP they claim they hear the voice saying "Miiiiiiikkkkkkeee...." and then rattling off a string of words that are either said in a foreign language or are just gibberish words.

I've done my job with this one though.  I've prayed the necessary prayers after each investigation as we are leaving, and the last one I did in the car so it couldn't hitch a ride with me.  I have no idea how it could have come home with me...although there was an incident that happened with Dana.  At one point in the investigation while I was telling whatever it was in the house that it needed to leave in Christs name, he became very angry with me he claims.  He claims that it really all started at the beginning of the confrontation between the client and spirit where she was to reclaim control of her house.  He claims that he started to get angry then, and by the time that it became my turn to say things that he was absolutely furious, but he didn't know why?  Is it possible that whatever it was got into his head and found out where we live (or something like that?)

Whatever it was, last night was undoubtedly the worst night I've ever spent in my own house.  As I stated, it could have been paranoia, but theres just this little inner voice (the one that's supposed to be there) nagging at me to pay attention to what's going on.  I didn't sleep last night.  That in itself isn't that abnormal, but the reason that I didn't sleep is what's bothering me.  I didn't sleep because I was scared.  I felt like I was being watched, and that sense of dread led me through some pretty nasty dreams where I saw faces--evil, smiling, toothy, ugly faces that seemed to be mocking me.  Perhaps they were?

On the side of paranoia though, Paranormal State, a TV show about ghosts and what not was apparently showing while I did sleep for the first hour of last night, and it was the episode where Ryan encountered a demon that he suspected was Be'lial.  I haven't seen that particular episode, so perhaps there were some sound effects or something that may have effected me in my sleep.  To be honest, I don't know.  This afternoon when I get home from work I plan on watching it with Dee, and we'll see if there is anything in there that rings clear from my dreams last night.  

I do think that I need to be on my guard though.  I'm worried, but I know how to fight if I have to.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This Has Gone Totally Wild.

Back in February 2008, I did an investigation for ghosts at a small farm in Southwestern IA.  Due to confidentiality issues, I'm going to withhold the name of the farm/ranch, as the case is still being worked on.  What I am going to say is that this is by far the most unusual case that I have ever worked on, as the entity in question plays with emotions.

Many of you will say that I'm insane when I tell this story, and others will say that I just plain don't know the first thing about spirits.  The latter may be more true than anything, but I AM well versed in ghosts and their types.  This is just a case like none other I've ever had before.

I started this case while working with my usual ghost hunting team back in February.  What the client claimed at the time, was that the entity was causing things to not get done at the house, and that people that she would hire to do the jobs that were required there were doing only half the job and then leaving.  She also claimed that whenever she would hire someone over the phone to do something that it would never come to fruition.  For of her local friends had a son that was an electrician.  He was supposed to come over one weekend last year to have a look at her wiring, as it was very old and needed to be brought up to date.   They tried for six months to try to schedule a date, but every time that date would approach, something tragic always happened to prevent it.  This is just one example of many that she put in front of us.  

Initially, we kind of blew that off.  We went ahead and investigated the house as per usual, gathering photographs, evp's, and video footage, and made an appointment to come back a second time.  Sorting the evidence proved to be interesting, as we managed to lose all of our video footage taken from the site.  We figured that it was because the recorder was just a borrowed one, and we didn't have but one single battery that ran out much faster than it should have.  No matter, when we went to see the video footage that we had taken from the upstairs of her house, we were able to watch 5 minutes of it, then it went blank.  In another odd occurrence, I had been recording in the same upstairs room that we had kept the video camera in, and during the recording process at one point almost an hour and 20 minutes in, the recording simply shut off.  My computer has NEVER done that before, and hasn't since.  I was however able to retrieve a couple of EVP's from the information recorded, and I forwarded them on to the homeowner.  One of them sounded like a little girl, and one of them sounded like our home owner calling one of her dogs, making chipper and cheerful noises toward one of the pups, but alas, wasn't our homeowner at all.  We decided to make a second appointment to visit he home, both to again try to recapture some video footage of the upstairs, and also to do a cleaning if she desired one.

That's when wierdness started to happen to us.  When we were heading out to do the secondary investigation, we got a call from our group leader to take a side trip to Harlan, IA to do a quickie investigation on  a new UFO case that was called in to our group.  While we were on the way there, we got lost and wound up going about an hour out of our way.  In addition, the "service engine" light came on in the car we were driving.  Of course we pulled off of the road and checked all the fluids and whatnot, but could find nothing wrong.  We decided to go ahead and chance it rather than head back to Des Moines, and luckily we were able to do both things without too much problem.  We got to the home and did an investigation, but we all decided at that time that we just weren't ready to do the cleaning as we hadn't gathered enough data yet to do a cleaning.  We still needed to go through what we had gathered on that day.

After reviewing the data gathered from this second investigation, we wanted to set up a third appointment to clean the house, but the home owner wasn't quite sure that she wanted to do that based on the information we received in one of the EVP's gleaned from the investigation on the first day we were there.  It was the voice of a little girl, and she just couldn't bring herself to clean the house and make this little girl spirit homeless.  Although we understood how she felt, we didn't necessarily agree, so we told her that she just needed to call if she changed her mind about having a cleaning done and that was, we thought pretty much the end of it.

We kept in contact for the next several months, and finally the entity invading this womans home started to become VERY active again.  She contacted us again formally, stating that she c0uldn't live like this anymore, and that we should come out and clean.  That's when the fun started.  She still wasn't convinced that cleaning the house was the best option, as she had some wiccan friends come through before we had, and when they had tried to clean her house it made things a lot worse.  She was afraid that our cleaning wouldn't take, and even if it did, the old addage "what was clean will once again become dirty" particularly bothered her.  She was uncomfortable with the Christian cleaning that we were offering initially, thinking that the spirit entity was most likely a Native American spirit, and that the standard Christian blessing wasn't going to do more than piss it off.  As we discussed her concern, I realized that I still really had an affinity for this woman, that although we hadn't seen  whole lot of activity at her house, that it was imperative that I continue to do a lot of work...research work, on how to rid her of this invasion in her life.  I wasn't going to quit.  I was going to keep on this case no matter what until she had gotten her life back.  The problem was I wasn't sure what I was up against, or exactly what it was that I was going to do to help her.

We eventully did set up an appointment to go out there, almost 5 months after the original investigation had taken place.  I had come up with a multi tiered plan to clean the downstairs, the land, and he upstairs of the home all at once, hence forcing the being out of the house and off the land if it worked.  The most important thing that I was going to need was people.  I needed enough people to cover all the compass points on the land with two on each point, I needed two people at least to clean the downstairs, and I needed myself, and at least one other upstairs.  By radio, we were going to communicate and start all three cleansings at the exact same time, which would hopefully give the desired effect of capturing the entity in one place and holding it there until it had no way to go other than up and out.  I never found out if it would have worked or not.  While I wasn't looking, our team leader was up to something that he never told me about.

Late last year, we were approached by a man who claimed himself to be perhaps the best "house cleaner" in the world.  He claimed that he was SO good that he didn't even have to go to a house in order to clean it, that just by the power of prayer he could do it from his own living room.  Of course I scoffed at this, as I had no idea what kind of arrogance it took to think that you were really so good that it didn't even matter what you were facing, but you could clean it with a simple prayer for a person that you'd never even met in a place where you'd never even been, but I knew it took a lot.  That immediately put a bad taste in my mouth, and I expressed my opinion to my team about it.  For the most part I was agreed with, but apparently not everyone did.  My team leader didn't get the message apparently, and he apparently became fast friends with this new guy, even to the point of beginning to attend church with him.

The day of the cleansing came upon us rapidly and we all had plans to get out there and do something, even if it were just a regular style cleaning if we didn't have enough people to do the big one.  The day arrived, but something happened, and we will never know exactly what it was.  For one thing, our team leader kind of went mental on us, saying that he was NOT going to go and clean that house...ever.  Well now!  That sucked!  He was my ride out there, and I had already decided that I was going to do this no matter what!  I was confused, very confused, and a bit nervous.  After all, what would our client say?  Well, I found out later that day.

Many, MANY things had gone on behind the scenes.  Apparently our team leader had tried to bring this new "house cleaner" friend in on the deal.  He had emailed the home owner and told her about it, and she wanted to know more...  He had the "house cleaner guy" email her back, which is a HUGE mistake.  This guy was a serious bible thumper...the kind who believe that if you don't go to church, if you don't believe in Christ...I could go on and on, that you were damned and there was no hope.  If she didn't believe that Christ was the almighty, that the cleansing wouldn't take.  Of course, the homeowner didn't like his tone, or his message.  She believed in God, but still had questions about Christ, as she was native American and had been brought up to believe that Christ was more of a prophet for God.  Needless to say, they had some serious exchanges between heated that she decided eventually to contact the owner of the whole organization to make sure that this "house cleaner" guy wasn't involved in her case at all...she didn't want him, and she knew he could only make things worse.

The group owner contacted "house cleaner" guy and told him to leave her alone.  Unfortunately, he did not.  He apparently tried to do a long distance cleaning of her house by praying from his living room, which resulted in our homeowner being terrorized for the entire night, not just with banging, rattling and general unrest in her home, but also with a plague of flies so thick she had trouble breathing!  She was also bitten by a spider...a big nasty pussy bite that made her miserable.  After one more call to the group owner, she terminated her case with the group that I was working with.  It was rough, nasty, and not a lot of nice words were said on the way to that conclusion either, from what I have been able to gather since then.  People are still a bit tight lipped about the whole thing...and I probably would be too had I been a participant in ANY of that nightmare.

Anyway, there I was, stuck with this huge plan to clean the house and nothing to do with it.  My group had alienated our client...a client who, mind you, I had PROMISED to stick with all the way through until the damn thing was solved and removed from her life.  I'd never felt so bad.  It was all over before I'd even had a chance to put my two cents worth in...and I would have.  Mainly because I could see that this Chaos was typical of the entity.  Once again an appointment had been made to do something to the house, and unseen circumstances caused the appointment to be broken.  Was it the entity that had caused this?  How was I going to find out, especially since I had been forbidden to contact our homeowner again?

I've always been kind of the "mouthy" rebel in our group.  I've usually got some snide comment to make in order to shed some levity on a subject, or just to break the monotony in general.  I try to be that way in order to keep us from taking ourselves too seriously, which we are known to do sometimes.  I've also been a bit of a loner, as being the group archivist I've had to do a lot of work alone rather than as part of a team.  I've always known that it probabaly wasn't the best thing for me to do being that way and that some day it would probably cause me to be removed from the group, but it had worked for me thus far.  I decided that I was going to make a bit of a stand, and that if I got a negative reaction I would just have to keep at it until I got the positive one I was looking for.  I waited for things to calm down a bit (three or four days),  and during a group meeting I got the group leader alone and asked him if he knew what was going on with the case. 

He told me that our homeowner had contacted another group, and that she had requested that we have absolutely nothing to do with her case ever again.  I couldn't believe it!  After a bit of thought, I decided I would ask how he felt about me approaching the new group and offering my services, as kind of a "Okay, I've been there, is there anything I can do to help you along" type of gesture.  I also explained that I had serious guilt about the way that things went, as I had made  promise that I really didn't want to break if I could avoid it.  He thought about it for a few minutes, and told me that it would be okay for me to do it...but only as a single entity.  It wouldn't be an effort on the part of our group, but that I'd be pretty much flying solo.  I agreed.

The first thing on my list was to contact the new group.  I did so, only to find out that it was the wrong group!  How embarrassing!  I'd been given slightly incorrect information.  I re-emailed and this time got a response from someone who knew who I was talking about and forwarded my request to the appropriate person.  It was also a bit negative, expressing distaste about the group that I worked for, how the home owner said she didn't want to work with "us" anymore.  Also that there had been so much negative about the group I worked for that they didn't see that I could be of much assistance at all.  Pretty much the response was "no" in a nutshell.

That response ATE at me.  Here I had made this damn promise...and I'm GOING to try to keep it.  I needed to at least let the homeowner know how bad I felt about everything that happened, and let her know that I was still willing to help if she would have me.  Even though I had been told not to email her, I did it.  

She was happy to hear from me.  I think she was also happy to know that she hadn't gone through all that stuff with my group just to have to completely start over again.  I am the one who had the evps that she had been hoping to get back from my group, so she no longer would have reason to email my old group at all.  She understood that I was trying to keep my promise, so she decided to fight for me to join forces with this new group that was working in her home.

And a fight it turned out to be.  This group had been made from people who were either ex members of my old group, or they had experienced some sort of bad experience by the current and past leaders of the organization that I worked with regularly.  These people hated me, were suspicious of me, was sure that my only purpose was to try to sabbotage their investigation, and the list just goes on and on and on.  You would swear that I personally was the devil incarnate, even though I personally hadn't met any of these folks before in my life!  Thank god for the homeowner, and the leader of the current group, who both had the presence of mind to get past all of that.

I'll explain more about what is going on now in the next post.  I had to do this in order to bring you up to where I'm at now, because I'm a bit on the nervous side.  This has turned into a tense investigation, and I'm going to need to be able to release some thoughts and stuff before its over.  I will also need to be able to put things on paper to be able to analyze them to come up with new and creative ideas, and to make sure that I'm not overlooking things.  Bear with me.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ghost Hunting again!

Today I am heading to southern Iowa to hopefully see the conclusion of a case that I started with back in February 2008 with one group of paranormal investigators, but am finishing with another group.  I have to admit, I've never seen a case more chaotic and damaging to a client before.  

I can't really say too much here, as I've agreed that I'm little more than a spectator and consultant on this case, but I can say that what I believe we are dealing with is one of two things...either the misunderstood brain power of a new potentially psychic person, or a very pissed off land spirit.  If it is the latter, I don't think that it's alone, but I think that it has gathered a bit of company over the years to give it support from within this clients house.

Tonight our client is going to attempt to take her house back from whatever this is, and that is a GREAT thing.  She's been living in fear for quite a long time now and it's way past time for her to find some happiness in her accomplishments.  She is an accomplished artist, and she has worked very hard for the things she has in life.  This spirit is taking them away from her, one by one, and it's going to be so great for her to finally get control again!  I'm really happy for her!

My big fear on the day is working with this new group, which is comprised partially of people who are ex members of Diepart.  They are afraid that I am going to be there for reasons other than I am wanting to be there for.  I wonder if they think I'm going to try to sabotage them somehow?  That is NOT the intent.  I'm doing this for a few reasons...number one of which is because I feel bad that we were not able to help our client, and I still feel as though I had a few things to offer her.  Number Two on that list is because I wanted to see what working with another team would be like.  They have psychics on their team, and we've never really used them.  They also use conjuring as a method of EVP collection, and I've been really interested in seeing how that works, even though I won't be doing it myself.  I find myself really interested in seeing if these methods do work, as I've avoided them in the past.

Well, we take off here at 11 am, so I need to go start packing and getting ready.

Ciao for now!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

And Finally, After Two Years....

I've broken down and bought a car.  It's been too too long since I've done that.  

It was two years ago in June when I hurt myself, and then in October the finance company decided to repo it just three days before the doctor released me to go back to work.  Since that time I've been driving my roommates car when I needed it, but now he's hit a stage in his life where he can no longer be so cooperative with his vehicle.  I had no choice.  I also had virtually no time to decide.

I bought a 1997 Dodge Intrepid.  It's the same make and model as my last car, but a few years older as my last one was a 2001.  It was a GREAT car, and it never once made me regret purchasing it.  I know I put over 90k miles on it during the two years I owned it, with only one major breakdown.  This one however, is making me a bit afraid.

It's a special model, and it's white.  I hate white cars, as they show every single little spec of dust that they can and just generally always look dirty.  Of course, since the tree out in back of my house has become a haven for every flocking bird in the city, white may be a good color for disguise!  We will have to wait and see.  What make the model special though is the transmission, which can switch from automatic to manual at the flip of a switch.  I can't imagine a use for this, but it is an interesting selling factor as very very few of these were ever made.   In a nutshell, that's what scares me.  "Why" did they only make a few of them.  What was the problem???

The mechanic that looked at it says that the main problems that this vehicle had was that the flywheel consistently broke on them.  I have no idea how expensive it is to replace a flywheel, but it certainly sounds expensive, and I can't afford major repairs...thats for sure!  He also said that I need to replace the bushings in the front right away (whatever those are) but that was a relatively inexpensive fix.  I sure hope so.

Anyway, I guess that's step two in getting my life back to a bit of normalcy.  Wish me luck!!


Sunday, July 13, 2008


You know, when I started this blog I was all full of piss and vinegar, looking for a place to write all of the good things that were happening in my life. Wouldn't you know, there haven't been a whole lot of good things that have happened since I started it. It's almost as though it was a bad thing I started to do

I may just wind up having to change the name and outline of this blog. You see, the ghost hunting group that I was a part of has changed so radically that I have absolutely no desire to continue on with them. The ownership has changed, the management has changed, and to be honest, my will and drive to continue doing this type of work has dwindled greatly over the past year.

I originally started Ghost Hunting back in 2005 when my life partner, Al, got sick with Cancer. We really didn't know back then that he was going to die (I had a sneaking suspicion) but the subject had always been one of fascination for both of us, and I think he was just as intrigued with it as I was, even though he wasn't physically capable of handling the demands of the busy hunting schedule. I started at the worst possible time....late September. October is the crazy season for Ghost Hunters.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Anatomy of a Betrayal--

This is kind of an off topic post, as I know that someone has been scouring the internet seeking ALL of my email addresses, and has actually found maybe the next time does a search string on me he'll read this. If you aren't actively harrassing me at this moment, please disregard this message.

William, what you did to me was wrong. I don't know if it was your intention to stab me in the back from the moment that you walked in the door here at my place of work or not, but either way, what you did to me and the others that work here was WRONG.

Lets not even mention the things that were done to Mark, that I'm sure by now you've managed to weasel your way out of. Of course I have to pay in cash for that too since the money that I loaned to him to help him get through the effects your betrayal of him is obviously not coming back to me.

You managed to steal at least $50 from the second station, and considering that I can't imagine what else you managed to help yourself to with a five finger discount. I can't even believe that you have the audacity to try to get your final paycheck two months after the fact, and do it threatening to use the labor board. Guess what--the threat is moot. The labor board has already been contacted, so you can just knock that crap off right now.

The thing that bothers me the most is that you are going to scour the internet, get all of my email addresses, and for what? To steal my identity too? If you wanted to talk to me all you had to do is pick up the phone. Instead you are going to be total jerk about the whole thing, sending me email's addressing me as "Mr. Hamilton." as if I were the one who did all this horrible betrayal crap that you just pulled before Christmas--going so far as to even STEAL A TRUCK to satisfy your own sociopathic needs.

William, the problem is yours. Grow up and deal with it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Was that a Presidential or a Preschool debate?

This morning I awoke ashamed to call myself a democrat. I guess it was around 6 am when I subconsciously heard all the screeching on the television in my bedroom, and so I ascended into consciousness to see what in the heck was going on. To my chagrin, there was my chosen presidential candidate embroiled in petty squabbling with her opponent over absolutely asinine and inane nothingness.

All I have to say is this--"Shame on you Both!" If you both would like to see Sen. Edwards win the party nominaton, then you are doing good job. Knock this childishness off and get down to running for president rather than spending so much time trying to knock eachother down.

This whole situation was truly pathetic, and I am embarrassed and shamed to call myself one of your supporters.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Can anyone stop the Paparazzi? Good Try Brittany!

You know, I hate to admit it, but I really did like Brittany Spears. In a strange sort of way, I still do. I'm going to rant about her for a while here and pretend that she may actually read this, so if you really don't care about her at all, or are going to hate me for admitting that I like her, then please just move along to the next blog!

I was thrilled to giggles today when I read that Paparazzi following Brittany Spears last night were jailed after demonstrating unsafe driving techniques to the police while attempting to keep up with her last night following an after hours shopping spree in Los Angeles. Hoo-f-in'-ray--someone finally caught these bastards in action, thus proving what lengths that these insane bastards will go to to document this poor girl doing such inane things as picking her nose or taking a dump.

The truth of the matter is, with the way that you folks in the Paparazzi have been acting, I don't think that you want to document Britanny's life so much anymore as you want to document her death...which is most likely going to come to her in a Princess Diana manner due to the constant harrassment that you folks put this poor girl through. Don't you realize that it's way past time to leave Ms. Spears alone for a while and allow her to put her nightmare of a life back together? While it's admirable that you are going to such extreme lengths to keep her name at the top of the Hollywood Celeb list, really....give her a minute or three to breathe. EVERYONE in America pretty much loves this young woman, and we want her to be able to get her head screwed on straight and to finally return to the superstar status that she has so dramatically come crashing down from.

Now, Brittany...I Love ya girl, but you are missing some golden opportunities here. You are embroiled in this nasty, awful divorce/custody thing with K-Fed, and you are experiencing some things that you simply need to disappear into the studio and write about. You need to go to work, cause if you do it will most likely save your life--and I'm not just blowing smoke at you. I remember back to some of the most influential bands of my time when I come to that conclusion. Lets think about Fleetwood Mac, and their "Rumors" album.

During the creation of that, one of the most popular music compilations of all time, nearly all of the members of the group had some sort of inner turmoil brewing. Stevie Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham were going through the first part of what was to continue as a very nasty breakup for a long time to come. John and Christine McVie were also gearing up to split. Only Mick Fleetwood had the brains to keep the group together during this terrible time, and the result is one of the most soul felt musical accomplishments of all time--not to mention one of he best selling albums/CDs of all time.

Lets now take a look at the Madonna and Sean Penn breakup. Now THAT was a nasty one. Madonna took her feelings and emotions into the studio after that breakup, and the resulting music was some of her best accomplishments ever. Then she went a little crazy....but I don't ever remember anyone ever fearing for her physical safety, like they are over you.

To put this whole thing in a nutshell, if you want your life and your kids back, you need to start acting like the superstar that you are, rather than they spoiled teenager that you really didn't get the chance to be until getting out from under your mother's thumb. Get your rebellion out in ways other than the ones that are going to detrimental to you! There's an old saying that goes like this "Living well is the best revenge!" Go out and get that. Work-stay home and away from the paparazzi. Leave Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan to do their thing and screw up their own lives. Take care of yourself, and use your musical and dancing talent to get back on top of the world.

Okay, I'm done. Now, I don't EVER want to hear about this again.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Iowa MUST Change it's Democratic Caucus Process or, How Barack Obama won in my precinct

I've been thinking, wondering and debating whether or not I should post this, as I know it won't make a darn bit of difference in the world, but something in me has to find a way to publicize what happened in my precinct on the night of the Iowa Caucuses. I really want Mr. Obama to hear about this...but I know it's silly to think that he will.

You all knew that I was being wooed by the Hillary campaign, and I might as well tell you that I did go to the caucuses to be counted in her corner. I'd never been to a Caucus before, so it was a new experience for me, and I actually relished the chance to experience it. In hindsight, I wish I never would have gone and seen what this antiquated method of politics was all about. It was singularly the most appalling thing that I've ever seen that could directly effect my future.

As usual, my clerk that was to relieve me at work was late by about a half an hour the night of the caucus. I was still able to make it to the site in plenty of time to be counted though, so it's no biggie, even though I did arrive much more stressed than I normally would have. After taking care of all the paperwork and pleasantries, I positioned myself on the side of the auditorium where the other Clinton supporters were located. After a while, I began talking to the guy who was in charge of our section, and I volunteered to do all of the counting for the Clinton corner. Cool for me! I get to actually do something important that might make a difference in the world!

After we all got settled, they took a count of everyone registered to vote in the room. We started with 118 people. We had 32 for Hillary at the start, and I don't know what the others had. You needed 18 people in your camp for your candidate to be considered viable, which we easily accomplished. It turned out that in our precint, Bill Richardson and Dennis Kucinich (sp?) turned out to not be viable candidates. Since they weren't viable, the other groups had to do whatever they could to convince these folks to move over and support the candidates that were considered viable--within a one hour period of time. Easy enough to understand eh? Well, the Obama folks had another trick up their sleeves other than just trying to convince the inviable to move to their camp! By using intimidation and scare tatics, the Obama supporters were successfully able to scare off two of the Hillary supporters, making them leave the caucus site-and the votes for Hillary-altogether!

Lets face it folks...when you have two or three large black women screaming not so nice things at little old blue haired ladies across a school auditorium for absolutely no other reason than politics, one can't consider it to be anything other than an intimidation tactic--and I was absolutely horrified to see that our election system could be influenced by methods such as this. This is the way that the mob got people elected back in the 20's and 30's for petes sake! This couldn't possibly be happening in my precinct at my first caucus??? Wow. The whole thing really pissed me off.

Aside from the two ladies from the Clinton camp, one of the ladies who was there to support Bill Richardson absolutely refused to join with any other group, so she took off. One of the John Edwards supporters had something he needed to get done at home, so he left during the half hour of democratic party news that had to be forced upon unwary caucus goers before we could actually count each other, so that left 114 people in the room that were eligible to be counted in our precinct on caucus night.

After the hour of endless banter attempting to get the people who wound up with unviable candidates to support a candidate that they really didn't want or like, we had been successful in pulling in only 4 people from the Richardson camp. We gained one of the two Kucinich supporters as well...not too bad when you added that The person in Charge of this mess was also a Hillary supporter that I had not previously counted into the Hillary numbers. So heres is a breakdown of how it all worked out that night:

We started with 30 Hillary Clinton supporters
We lost two to scare tactics, which left us with 28 people remaining
We gained 5 from other candidates, giving us 33 supporters for Hillary
We had the Democrat who lead the caucus giving us 1 more for a total of: 34 Votes for Hillary


Our precinct had 5 delegates total and it took 18 people to be awarded one delegate. We desperately tried to get double that amount, or 36 people, so that we could have a second delegate awarded to Hillary. Unfortunately because of the two people that were scared off, we came up two people short of the second delegate. Very very aggravating!

Here's how the tally's came in--pay attention to the numbers, please.

45 people for John Edwards
38 People for Barack Obama
34 People for Hillary Clinton

Now...that adds up to 117 people. How in the heck did that happen, and better question is "WHY" did it happen? There were only 114 eligible voters in the room when it came time to be counted, so it shoudn't be possible...except...

The democratic party allowed non eligible people to sit in amongst the eligible voters. This MAY have caused some counting discrepencies. Why didn't the party chair at the precinct make these people that weren't eligible move out of the room during the final tally? I don't know and I'm afraid to speculate on the subject.

To summarize this rant--yeah, I'm upset because my candidate lost, but do you know what? I'm more upset with the fraudulant practices that lead up to my candidates loss than by the fact that she lost. I'm curious just how many other precincts saw this kind of behavior here in Iowa? Any voting process that can allow people to be influenced by intimidation tactics and then allow those who used them to steal those lost votes and add them to their own candidates final tally absolutely makes me nauseous. It leads me to believe that the Iowa Democratic Caucus system is just too antiquated to be a viable method of conducting a primary election in the 21st Century in the United States of America, where everyone is supposed to have the right to stand up and be counted!

I'm really glad that you were happy with your win here Mr. Obama. In my book, Mr. John Edwards is the man who really took Iowa that night. Your team should have been disqualified.